This DVD contains that part of the Dallmeyer records, in the care of the Brent Archives, that cover the 19th. century photographic lens production of John Henry Dallmeyer and his son, Thomas Rudolphus Dallmeyer, who assumed control of the business on the failure of his father's health.
It enables the dating and identification of Dallmeyer lenses produced between 1863 and 1901, serial numbers 4500 to 65000 (approximately).
There are sections on the more common lens types that were produced between 1860 and 1900.
Biographies of John Henry Dallmeyer and Thomas Rudolphus Dallmeyer.
Some information on Dallmeyer's workers and ten lantern slides showing them at work.
A series of Dallmeyer catalogues, and price lists and adverts derived from the British Journal of Photography's annual Almanac, catalogues and price lists from 1861 to 1900.
The copyright of all the material derived from the Brent Archive's collection of Dallmeyer records belongs to Brent Archives and is so marked.
There is of course no charge for academic use, however commercial users wishing to make use of this material must contact Brent Archives.
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